We manage the entire project from start to finish—beginning with early preparation and strategic planning, through establishing proof of authenticity, and ultimately facilitating the sale of the artwork. The entire process is financed through an agreed-upon share of the final sale price, meaning there are no upfront costs for the artwork’s owner.
A typical project consists of an upfront analysis, collecting all available material about the artwork, publishing this material and do sales. These activities typically need a period of 1-3 years. This timeframe is necessary to thoroughly address all aspects of originality in collaboration with other experts and to publish our findings on a dedicated, secure website, always in close coordination with the painting’s owners. Once the website is live, we collaborate with the owners to devise a tailored sales strategy. This stage often requires preliminary efforts, such as building recognition for the painting within the expert community, attempts to make a private sale or contacting auction houses. If the artwork is to be auctioned, additional steps are required, including promotion by the auction house and determining the most favorable timing for the sale. We are offering this whole project cycle, while we are for the moment not offering fixed fee expert analysis.
A key aspect of our business model is the negotiation of a success-based fee structure, agreed upon upfront as a percentage of the final sale price. The advantage of this approach is that the owners incur no costs during the process. We manage all aspects of research, including the provenance and existing scholarship of the artwork, compile and present this information on a secure platform, and oversee the entire sales process, from planning to execution.
So far we researched paintings from Raphael, Carvaggio, Pollock, Matisse, Jan van Eyck and others and are starting a Stradivari project and have existing reference databases for those artists.